Before adopting the dog, it is essential to get as much information possible about all the different breeds, as this will help you to select a dog that meets your requirements. This is important not only in terms of look and size, but also character and temperament, so that the dog can fulfill the role you have in mind.
Ownership of the dog is a serious undertaking. it requires a ling-term commitment, bering in mind that some breeds, the Miniature Poodle for instance, may live u to 17 years or more. Twelve years is the average canine lifespan, during which time the dog must be fed, exercised and groomed, receive veterinary attention for accidents
and illnesses and be taken into consideration whenever its owner is planning to be away from home for more than a matter of hours.
Owner should also consider their dog's welfare when making out there will. If the dog should survive its owner, clear instructions should be available starting whenever the dog is bequeathed to an animal charity, which a suitable donation if possible, or to named friend or relative.